Your donation will make a difference in the life of seniors!

For the year 2024-2025, we will have to rely on our own fundraising efforts since the City of Toronto has cancelled its beloved TORONTO CHALLENGE (DÉFI TORONTO). The impact of our current Christmas Sharing stretches all year round.

The pandemic has illustrated more than ever the negative impact of isolation, in the short, medium and long term, especially for elderly populations. Our case managers and care workers in contact with clients are able to identify the pressing needs of those most in need.

Every dollar you donate to CAH goes 100% to projects designed to benefit our most vulnerable clients, whether they reside in Place Saint-Laurent (PSL) or the Greater Toronto Francophone community.


There are many ways to donate:

  • Donate online: It’s easy and fast. Complete the online donation form of Canadahelps.
    You can make a donation to celebrate a special occasion or honour a loved one. You may select a specific cause or join our monthly Donor Club.
  • Donate by mail: Print and complete the general donation PDF form or In memoriam PDF form and return  it to the address below:
    Centres d’Accueil Héritage
    33 Hahn Place, Suite 104
    Toronto, ON
    M5A 4G2
  • Donate by phone: Call Jean Tete at (416) 365-3350, ext. 242 during normal business hours.  Please have your credit card number ready. We accept VISA and MasterCard .

Thank you for your support! Merci! Merci! Merci!

