Centre for Active Living (CAL)

Given the current situation, the activities of our CVA (Centre de vie active) are cancelled until further notice. We encourage all seniors (who can read French) to consult the 4th special edition of our newsletter La Gazette, published on June 1, 2020 to keep you informed and hopefully to relieve some of the boredom!

Yoga videos

A member of the CAH staff met Anna Hardwick, an Anglophone who spoke French fairly well, in a yoga class and asked her to do some yoga sessions for the Francophones in the community. Let’s try this in the comfort of our homes! (Gossip: Anna Hardwick is an actress working in the Toronto and Canadian film and theatre world; she has also had roles in American films such as Birdman).

Click on the image to access her 1st video: Yoga sur chaise


Click on the image to access her 2nd vidéo: Yoga sur tapis


CAH’s exercice vidéos

When our recreationists are not available to conduct the CAH exercise sessions of the Adult Day Program, we present these videos made in by our dear Fabrice. They are all presented in French. You’ll see! They will get you moving, whatever your age! Each exercise sequence ends with a relaxation session.

1st series of CAH’s exercises 

Click on the image to access the video. The 1st series of exercises is done first without equipment and then with weights. You can use cans if you don’t have weights handy.


2nd séries of CAH’s exercices 

Click on the image to access the video. The 2nd series of exercises is done with a ball. You can use any light object 8-10 cm wide.


3rd series of CAH’s exercices 

Click on the image to access the video. The 3rd series of exercises is done with a “noodle” (of the type used in swimming). Note that you can find them in Dollarama type stores.




You may contact Ayda, CAL’s recreations, to become a member or for more information:
416-365-3350, ext 222 or  AAmar@caheritage.org. Membership for a full year is $20.