Our ethical framework

What is an ethical framework?
An ethical framework is a set of common guidelines. It guides the actions of anyone who works at CAH (Heritage Home Centers) or sits on its Board of Directors, and helps them make the best decisions in all circumstances.

Read the complete document in pdf format: Ethics Framework.

Why an ethics framework?
In recent years, many companies and organizations have implemented a code of ethics regarding social responsibility. This phenomenon has become so widespread that the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has devoted a major study to it.

Ethics has become very important; it is a predominant social trend. Non-profit organizations are no exception. The triangle of ethics can be understood as “what I want”, “what I can” and “what I must do”.

What is ethics?
Ethics is first of all a way of acting or behaving according to what is good, both individually and collectively.

Some definitions of ethics
“Etymology: from the Greek ethikos, moral, from ethos, morals. Ethics is the science of morals and morals. It is a philosophical discipline that reflects on the finalities, on the values of existence, on the conditions of a happy life, on the notion of “good” or on questions of morals or morality. Ethics can also be defined as a “reflection on the behaviors to adopt to make the world humanly habitable. In this, ethics is a search for the ideal of society and the conduct of life.”